2023 NDMTSS Conference Sessions

Keynote: Focusing on the Core: Key Features of MTSS for Reading & Math

Monday - Keynote (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Stephanie Stollar - Stephanie Stollar Consulting
  • Amanda VanDerHeyden - SpringMath
Science of Reading (SoR), Science of Math (SoM), MTSS, and equitable practices are mutually supportive: each one attempts to institutionalize the premise that (a) learning is a predictable outcome of highly effective instruction and (b) implementing highly effective instruction in all classrooms is possible with the right resource allocations and commitment to science over philosophy. This session will detail key scientific findings pertinent to MTSS in reading and math. Attendees will take away tactics to evaluate, update, and improve their MTSS efforts to optimize student learning. Web and video resources will be provided. Participants will learn: 1. the data-based decision-making process that is the backbone of MTSS 2. the purposes and characteristics of assessment 3. the essential features of tiered instruction and intervention 4. the leadership and teaming structures necessary for implementing and sustaining MTSS

Monday 1a: Tier 1 Instruction is Risk Reduction

Monday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Stephanie Stollar - Stephanie Stollar Consulting
Research suggests that most reading failure can be prevented in the primary grades through early screening, effective instruction, and intensifying intervention as needed – the central elements of the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) approach to educational service delivery. However, many schools fail to realize the critical role of classroom reading instruction as the key contributor to the power of prevention. When too many students are at risk, even well-resourced intervention systems are quickly overwhelmed and intensive intervention is unlikely. This session will explore how universal screening data can be used to clarify student needs and design a universal system of reading support that reduces risk, increases intervention effectiveness, and improves reading outcomes for all students. 1. Understand MTSS as the framework for implementing the science of reading 2. Prioritize Tier 1 instruction in K-2 as primary prevention of reading failure 3. Explore the elements of effective Tier 1 instruction a. what to teach b. how to teach c. schedule d. grouping e. flexible service delivery

Monday 1b: The Science of Math (aka How Children Learn Math)

Monday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Embassy A & B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Amanda VanDerHeyden - SpringMath
MTSS begins with evidence-based core instruction. Unfortunately, in math, core instruction is often not optimal and may include tactics and philosophies that are at odds with the research evidence on how children actually learn and what constitutes effective instruction. Much like the science of reading has raised the bar for instructional stewardship in reading, math must follow suit so that more children have stable access to the effective math instruction they need to open doors to their future lives including college enrollment and completion, STEM professions, and economic benefits if they so desire. This session will ground attendees in the science of math and articulate the effective ingredients of evidence-based math instruction including what to look for in core curricula and how to supplement your core to maximize learning gains. 1. Understand the science of math and how children actually learn math according to the science. 2. Apply the lens of the science of math in evaluating core curricula and instructional practices in your classrooms. 3. Update and supplement your practices to align with the science of math to optimize learning gains.

Monday 1c: Schoolwide Behavior Expectations at the Classroom Level

Monday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Brandie Ulland - SEEC Professional Learning Specialist
  • Cheryl Hoggarth - SEEC NDMTSS Coordinator
  • Kayla Durkin - CREA NDMTSS Coordinator
Learn how to use your schoolwide behavior expectations at the classroom level. We'll take a look at different strategies and resources to help build capacity among teachers and students. 1. Understand why consistent expectations are important for all learners 2. Use the PBIS tips sheets with the self-assessment to move forward in your practices

Monday 1d: Standards-Based Learning: A Toolkit to Support Educators & Systems

Monday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Danette Brown - SEEC PD Specialist
Are you on a journey to enhance standards-based teaching and learning practices? Join us for an informational session geared towards ways to initiate and/or enhance your local standards-based teaching and learning efforts. Dive into our NDSBL Toolkit: a guide implementation of standards-based learning where you will find the research behind the 'why', guiding questions and system reflections, suggested activities and additional resources to explore! No matter where you or your system are at along the journey, this toolkit will provide you next steps to guide you and your team down the path towards standards-based teaching and learning. - Participants will access NDSBL toolkit and identify an entry point within the toolkit for implementation within their district/classroom. - Participants will identify resources and professional learning opportunities for themselves/staff to engage with to support standards-based teaching and learning.

Monday 1e: Introduction to the Science of Reading (SoR)

Monday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Kerri Whipple - SEEC Director of Literacy
This session is for anyone who wants to know more about the Science of Reading. Short simulations and examples using Scarborough's Reading Rope will be used to demonstrate the complexity of learning to read. This a repeat session from NDMTSS 2022. Participants will review two major models used in the Science of Reading (The Simple View of Reading & Scarborough's Reading Rope) and apply their new learning by reflecting on their own instruction and assessment. Other topics covered include the SOR Strands of Success, the Skill Development Cycle, Gordon's Ladder and the Research to Practice Gap.

Monday 2a: Linking Assessment to Instruction in the MTSS Model of Early Literacy

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Stephanie Stollar - Stephanie Stollar Consulting
Effective implementation of MTSS depends on having the right kind of data on students. This session will introduce the four purposes of assessment in a MTSS model. Participants will learn the characteristics of each type of assessment - screening, diagnostic, progress monitoring and outcome evaluation - and how each relates to planning instruction and intervention. Objectives: a. describe the power of the MTSS model for preventing and intervening on reading difficulties in elementary school b. introduce the four purposes of assessment that are needed in MTSS - screening, diagnostic, progress monitoring, and outcome evaluation c. reflect on current assessment practices and consider appropriate next steps

Monday 2b: Updates from Implementation Science to Drive Math MTSS Schoolwide

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Embassy A & B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Amanda VanDerHeyden - SpringMath
This session will detail specific steps that you can take to use MTSS more effectively in your system. From initial implementation to program evaluation, this session will highlight the tactics that result in stronger implementation and benefits to students and the assessment metrics to track to know how well your MTSS is working. From initial implementation to program evaluation, this session will teach you how to drive your math MTSS more effectively. 1. Understand how implementation is a behavior that can be systematically improved via behavioral science (antecedent and consequent supports, creating behavioral chains). 2. Understand the specifics of how to initiate and sustain implementation using specific tactics on specific schedules. 3. Understand the benefits of new metrics (e.g., trials to mastery) to monitor your overall MTSS effort and to know that the year-end data will bring you results while you are still midstream on implementation. 4. View a concrete model of program evaluation to know how to keep your finger on the pulse of your implementation.

Monday 2c: Effective Math Instruction - What are the "Look-fors"?

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Kaye Andersen - REA Educational Consultant
This session will review the research proven instructional strategies we should see in every math classroom. Whether you are teaching the math class; the instructional coach supporting the math teachers; or the administration tasked with evaluating the math teachers and giving quality feedback this session will provide you with the look for's in math instruction and a rubric to analyze your current textbook series for its strengths and weaknesses. Participants will: Learn the elements of high-quality math teacher modeling Understand the steps in gradual release teaching instructional strategy Learn the importance of multiple instructional exposures to master a new concept or skill Apply knowledge gained in Effective Math Instruction session to address identified weaknesses in textbook

Monday 2d: Prioritized Instructional Planning using NDSBL Proficiency Scales

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Danette Brown - SEEC PD Specialist
This session will provide classroom educators with a crash course in Prioritized Instructional Planning and the resources, processes, and supports available to ND Educators to ensure the most effective and meaningful learning experiences for students. Participants will gain insight about how to determine what students need to learn and how to effectively plan for teaching the most critical content, including an overview of eight steps for planning instructional cycles that include high-quality instruction and assessment. Please join us for this session as it is sure to provide immediate benefits to your classroom planning and student learning. Participants will gain insight about how to determine what students need to learn and how to effectively plan for teaching the most critical content, including an overview of eight steps for planning instructional cycles that include high-quality instruction and assessment.

Monday 2e: Planting SEEDS of Early Learning

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Emily Koterba - SEEC ND Early Learning Corps Coaching Specialist
  • Faith Rieger - SEEC CCA Coaching Specialist
To plant a seed is to believe in tomorrow. Child Care Aware of ND has partnered with FluentSEEDS to invest in the future success of our state's youngest learners. The SEEDS of Learning framework is proven to accelerate growth in five predictive literacy indicators. It consists of evidence-based strategies that are rooted in relationships, language, and literacy. Participants will understand the importance of early literacy and the impact it has on future learning success.

Monday 2f: Assessing to Inform Recap and Resources

Monday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Conference - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Brandie Ulland - SEEC Professional Learning Specialist
  • Cheryl Hoggarth - SEEC NDMTSS Coordinator
  • Kayla Durkin - CREA NDMTSS Coordinator
We've completed Phases 1 & 2 of our Assessing to Inform Series. Come and ask questions regarding the importance of assessment, the uses of assessments to drive instruction and what resources are available to you no matter assessment platform you are using! 1. Review the purposes of assessment 2. Use the resources available to build capacity with your staff using in whatever assessment platform you are using

Monday 3a: Our Rocket Journey with MTSS (Reading Pathway)

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Conference - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • New Rockford-Sheyenne Public School - School Team
  • Natalie Becker - Elementary Principal
  • Avolt Baumbach - High School Principal
  • Craig Demester - English Language Arts
  • Laura Hager - Math
  • Lynnae Lies - Title I/Personalized Learning
Over the past two years, the New Rockford-Sheyenne School has been participating in the NDMTSS training, as our data indicated the need for more supports in the area of reading spanning multiple grade levels. Having developed and implemented reading intervention programs for grades K-10 since the Spring of 2022, we have experienced growth with all our reading intervention groups using Corrective Reading and Reading Mastery Transformations. - Understand the MTSS planning and implementation process for reading - Share our journey with scheduling and staffing to support intervention

Monday 3b: School-Wide Implementation of Tier 1 MTSS-B

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Embassy A & B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Central Cass Elementary School - Elementary School Team
  • Dawn Miller - Elementary School Psychologist
  • Lyndsy Lynch - Elementary Principal
  • Linsey Holten - Special Education Teacher
  • Haley Schaller - Resource
Central Cass Elementary will share their story of implementing tier 1 strategies and building core behavioral supports for all students. Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Features will be shared including examples of school-wide expectations, data collection, student reinforcement, and staff reinforcement. This team began their work in the fall of 2022 and continues to learn, refine, and grow their system to support the behavioral health of all students. Participants will: *Better understand the core features of MTSSB at the Tier 1 Level *Review examples of artifacts created by the Central Cass Team *Understand strategies for action planning and moving the work forward with a multidisciplinary team of educators

Monday 3c: Data Teams: How Do Tier 1 & Tier 2/3 Behavior Teams Work Together to Make Data-Driven Decisions?

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Bismarck - Simle Middle School - Middle School Team
  • Randy Lamberth - Bismarck - Simle Middle School
  • Danielle Tivis - Bismarck - Simle Middle School
  • Edward Streeter - Bismarck - Simle Middle School
  • Angela Nagel - Bismarck - Simle Middle School
  • Cassandra Askvig - Bismarck - Simle Middle School
  • Ryan Clark - Bismarck - Simle Middle School
This session will be to show a model that Simle uses to organize their Tier 1 team and their Tier 2/3 teams. They will provide data-driven interventions and different scenarios for the group to walk through. 1. Organize your teams 2. Identify Roles for team members 3. Create a bank of interventions 4. Identify data that can be used to drive instruction (Tier 1) 5. Identify data that can be used to determine interventions (Tier 2/ Tier 3)

Monday 3d: MTSS: Making Your Work Visible

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Nedrose K-12 Team
  • Alex Schmaltz - H.S Principal - Nedrose
  • Kelsey Howard - H.S. Math - Nedrose
  • Ryan Kostelecky - H.S. Counselor - Nedrose
  • Taren Ravnaas - H.S. Science - Nedrose
Nedrose High School staff will explain the process and timeline of their implementation of Tier 1 behavior expectations both in the classroom and as a district. They will show how they used data and surveys to determine the need and, using staff and student input, created a Tier 1 expectation and behavior plan that ties into our SEL program. Participants will be able to identify processes of data collection for MTSS-B. Participants will understand the planning process in which Nedrose took on MTSS-B implementation. Participants will see the application of MTSS-B in its first year. Participants will be informed on our glows and grows of our first year of MTSS-B.

Monday 3e: Using Shared Leadership to Eliminate Achievement Gaps Across Your District

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Justin Fryer - Superintendent - Lisbon
  • Patricia Schmit - H.S. English - Lisbon
  • Jacy Spencer - M.S. Math - Lisbon
Lisbon Public School District has implemented a shared leadership approach to eliminate achievement gaps across our district. A steering committee team has been established for the past two years. The job of the committee is to track student achievement data, student attendance data, student behavioral data, and to survey stakeholders to ensure continuous school improvement. The committee is made up of teachers, coordinators, and administrators from across our school district. The steering committee work has helped our district increase student achievement, promoted staff synergy, and helped us meet many strategic academic objectives across our district. Additionally, we have been able to obtain thousands of dollars in grant funds to help us meet the needs of our students. This session will provide you with the information you need to start and implement a steering committee in you district.

Monday 3f: The Truth About Reading Movie Screening

Monday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
The mission of The Truth About Reading documentary is to ignite a movement promoting high-level literacy for all. This film will illuminate the crisis-level prevalence of illiteracy and sub-literacy that, unbeknownst to many, permeate every aspect of society. Through extensive research and inspirational storytelling about people who have overcome reading difficulties, The Truth About Reading documentary will engage and captivate while educating and motivating viewers. The vision of Truth About Reading documentary will create a society in which every individual has the literary skills to have strong self-worth and be successful in all aspects of life including family, education, work, and community service. This documentary is meant to do more than just tell a story. Its purpose is to connect us together as Americans, as humans, to help each other reach our greatest potential. The purpose of this documentary is to spread the word, not just that illiteracy and sub-literacy in America are having a detrimental affect on our society and economy, but that there are proven and effective solutions already available. With a growing voice and an ever increasing need for resources (many kids are on a long waiting list for these types of services because the support to handle this large number of people is not there) we can stand up together and make what seems impossible – possible!

Tuesday: Keynote - Making What Matters Happen: Leading with MTSS

Tuesday - Keynote (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Judy Elliott - EduLead
A key lever to successful implementation of a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) is effective leadership. We all have a leadership role in this work! Leadership is about having the right structures in place to support implementation, aligning resources and using data to make data based decisions that result in improved outcomes for all students. In this plenary we will explore the journey of MTSS implementation together – remember work should be fun!

Tuesday 1a: Secondary MTSS: Is That Really a Thing?

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Judy Elliott - EduLead
Implementing MTSS at the secondary level requires thoughtful and coherent planning. Several key areas need to be addressed prior to implementation including developing a common language, common understanding, protocols/procedures, student identification systems, the master schedule, teaching resources, progress monitoring tools, goals/outcomes, ongoing professional development/learning and reporting and data systems. In our time together we will begin to develop our common language common understanding about the multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) and its six critical components. • MTSS implementation at the secondary level via the six critical components of MTSS. • The importance and need for coherent and persistent data driven problem solving • To network and share current experiences and challenges with like-minded colleagues • The critical infrastructures needed to implement MTSS at the secondary level.

Tuesday 1c: What's All the Rush? The Science of Reading Fluency

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Embassy B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Stephanie Stollar
Reading fluency is the gateway to reading comprehension. Understanding the relationship between reading fluency and reading comprehension is essential for effective assessment and instruction. The session will explore the importance of reading fluency, review research-based approaches to assessment, instruction, and intervention, and provide participants with resources for implementation. 1. Understand the definition of reading fluency 2. Explore the relationship between reading fluency and reading comprehension 3. Learn the research on assessing and teaching reading fluency 4. Gain resources for instruction

Tuesday 1d: Overview of Science of Reading Offerings in North Dakota

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Conference - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Kerri Whipple - SEEC Director of Literacy
Are you curious about the menu of options available for Science of Reading (SOR) training options across North Dakota? Information about each SOR offering will be shared. There will be ample time to ask questions to help determine which professional development offerings are the right fit for you and your staff. Participants will become familiar with the NDSOR flowchart and determine which offerings best meet the needs of their staff.

Tuesday 1b: SpringMath for Administrators/Leaders and Coaches

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Embassy A - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Amanda VanDerHeyden - SpringMath
  • Paul Muyskens - SpringMath
  • Lynn Lamers - SpringMath
Stewardship is a key function of leading in schools. This session will explain the active ingredients of SpringMath and explain the costs and benefits in your school or district. We will teach you the mechanics of implementation at the school, grade, and class level and show you how to drive implementation from the leadership level using the coach dashboard, automated program evaluation, and the framework of MTSS and data-driven decision making to advance student math achievement and close opportunity gaps. 1. Understand how to evaluate ongoing implementation and fully use SpringMath to drive improvements at all tiers of instruction in math MTSS. 2. Understand how to use the structures of MTSS to facilitate math improvements schoolwide. 3. Evaluate and adjust implementation for better results.

Tuesday 1e: Getting Tier 1 Right

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Cory Notestine - CharacterStrong
Tier 1 represents the experiences and supports that every student receives, so getting it right is pivotal for student success. Using a recipe metaphor, we will discuss the research-based ingredients that combine to create a comprehensive Tier 1 system of support for all students to optimize student outcomes. Establish a shared understanding of Tier 1 Align Tier 1 effective practices that drive student outcomes Develop educators’ skills related to effective Tier 1 practices

Tuesday 1f: (REPEAT) Effective Math Instruction - What are the "Look-fors"?

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Kaye Andersen - REA Educational Consultant
This session will review the research proven instructional strategies we should see in every math classroom. Whether you are teaching the math class; the instructional coach supporting the math teachers; or the administration tasked with evaluating the math teachers and giving quality feedback this session will provide you with the look for's in math instruction and a rubric to analyze your current textbook series for its strengths and weaknesses. Participants will: Learn the elements of high-quality math teacher modeling Understand the steps in gradual release teaching instructional strategy Learn the importance of multiple instructional exposures to master a new concept or skill Apply knowledge gained in Effective Math Instruction session to address identified weaknesses in textbook

Tuesday 1g: Introducing the New and Exciting ELA Standards

Tuesday - Breakout 1 (10:45 AM - 12:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Davonne Eldredge - ND DPI
  • Tina Bryn - Barnes County North
  • Crystal Michels - Minot
Members of the ELA Standards writing committee will present the new North Dakota ELA Content Standards. The committee will help participants unpack the new ELA standards and identify the changes made. Participants will become familiar with the New ELA Content Standards.

Tuesday 2g: Small Shifts to Student Engagement

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Brandie Ulland - SEEC Professional Learning Specialist
  • Cheryl Hoggarth - SEEC NDMTSS Coordinator
  • Kayla Durkin - CREA NDMTSS Coordinator
Learn how Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and Student Engagement fit hand in hand from the building level down to the classroom. You'll be given strategies and tips to increase student engagement, decrease 'teacher talk' and create more discussion in your classroom. 1. Understand and practice strategies for student engagement in classroom interactions 2. Use the PBIS tips sheets with the self-assessment to move forward in your practices

Tuesday 2c: Small Group Instruction: An Alternate to Leveled Learning

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Embassy B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Stephanie Stollar - Stephanie Stollar Consulting
Many teachers now understand why leveled text is not the best material to use with beginning and struggling readers. But what to use instead? This session will describe the value of small group instruction and make a connection between diagnostic assessment data and small group structured literacy instruction across the tiers in a MTSS model. Objectives: • The Value of Small Group Instruction • The Link Between Diagnostic Assessment and Small Group Structured Literacy Instruction • School-Based Examples of Implementing Small Groups in Tier 1 and Tier 2

Tuesday 2d: ND Science of Reading: Learning to Practice Panel

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Conference - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • ND Science of Reading Panel
  • Lindsay Seelig - Literacy Coordinator - Fargo
  • Kaley Mills - Literacy Coach - Westhope
  • Emily Malafa - Kindergarten Teacher - Mapleton
  • Shawn Krinke - Literacy Specialist - Northern Cass
  • Justine Gibbon - Title I Reading Specialist - Kindred
  • Jakayla Smith - 2nd Grade Teacher - Wahpeton
Join us for a panel of educators to learn how they have taken their learning in the science of reading and put it into practice. We will hear from a variety of voices--instructional coaches, elementary educators, interventionists, middle school educators, high school educators, and administrators from a variety of districts. The conversations will be based on registered attendees questions as well as frequently asked questions. Panel participants to be determined! -Participants will make informed decisions about their practice based on learnings from others.

Tuesday 2b: SpringMath for School Psychologists, Data Wonks & Program Evaluators

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Embassy A - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Amanda VanDerHeyden - SpringMath
  • Paul Muyskens - SpringMath
  • Lynn Lamers - SpringMath
This session is our deep dive into assessment. Specifically, we will explain why mastery measurement is superior to general outcome measurement in mathematics for MTSS decisions. We will provide details on the functioning of the decision rules at each stage of MTSS, including what we monitor and learn at the “big data” level. This session will orient you to all the data points that drive SpringMath and show you how MTSS is optimally delivered with the support of our web-based platform. This session will answer questions like: Why are the assessments timed? How were the cutscores determined and what do they mean? What is the typical rate of skill mastery and progress for students? How were the screening skills selected? 1. Understand assessments in SpringMath, especially how assessments drive key MTSS decisions. 2. Understand the accuracy and validity of the decision rules used in SpringMath. 3. Become oriented to mastery measurement in mathematics and understand how math proficiency is most effectively characterized for MTSS decisions.

Tuesday 2e: The Secrets to Creating Adult Buy-in

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Cory Notestine - CharacterStrong
While change is constant and often feels overwhelming, it shouldn’t derail your implementation effort. In this session, we will explore the 4 ingredients necessary to generate adult buy-in in order to create motivational readiness for change. Develop an understanding of why adults resist new ideas Utilize the 4 ingredients to increase adult buy-in Create practices within your system to develop motivational readiness

Tuesday 2f: Introducing the North Dakota Educational Hub

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Kevin Leier - N.D. Educational Hub
The North Dakota Educational Hub is a high-quality professional development site for staff that doesn’t break the budget. The website, a partnership among all seven REA's, DPI and others, is intended to be a one-stop shop for online professional learning available to all educators, including support staff and paraprofessionals via asynchronous, hybrid, and community of practice models. At this session, you can learn more about the Hub, how it works, what is currently offered, and what is coming soon. In addition, the ND Hub Core Administration team will provide an opportunity for session participants to give feedback about what types of additional PD courses are needed across the state. Introduction to the ND Educational Hub Overview of the Platform Partnerships Across the State Content Currently Development

Tuesday 2a: Setting Your District Up for Success! Must Haves and May haves for MTSS Implementation

Tuesday - Breakout 2 (1:00 PM - 2:15 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Judy Elliott - EduLead
This fast-paced session will explore the infrastructures needed to successfully implement MTSS. One of the basic challenges of MTSS is the thinking that it can be “rolled” out after a few meetings of the minds. In fact, systemically planning and implementing a cohesive framework of MTSS is a heavy lift. To create a system that supports and builds capacity for sustainability require collaboration, communication and trust by district leadership. It requires district leadership to reach consensus on the definition of MTSS, it’s components and the alignment to district plans. In other words, the district needs to use MTSS to do MTSS! This session will examine the must haves and may haves necessary for successful systemic implementation of MTSS. Participants will: Examine the critical aspects of a District Leadership Team (DLT) needed to support the work of MTSS at the school level Learn how district and school leadership teams are inextricably linked in creating critical mutual success Learn how to integrate the components of MTSS into an existing District Strategic plan rather than developing an “MTSS Plan.” Learn how to align MTSS implementation with district urgent priorities.

Tuesday 3g: MTSS Reading in Secondary Schools

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Director's - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Richland High School Team
  • Britney Gandhi - Superintendent - Richland
  • Amanda Jacobson - Instructional Coach - Richland
  • Lois Vorachek - Special Education Teacher - Richland
The purpose of this session is to provide information about how Richland Jr/High School structures and implements a Multi-Tiered System of Supports with an academic focus in Reading. Explain how our secondary building created an MTSS reading plan according to best practices; focuses include: process for selecting intervention materials, creating pathways, and figuring out the dreaded master schedule.

Tuesday 3c: Intensifying Intervention

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Embassy B - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Stephanie Stollar - Stephanie Stollar Consulting
Most educators understand that intensifying intervention is needed when some students in a group are making progress, but one student isn’t. But what is meant by the term “intensive intervention?” This session will define intensive intervention and offer elements of instruction and intervention that can be altered to improve effectiveness by increasing the resources provided to the student. Objectives: • Define intensive intervention • Explore characteristics and examples of intensive intervention • Consider elements related to intensity when planning and revising intervention • Foster a mindset of continuous improvement

Tuesday 3a: Creatively Infusing Social Emotional Learning and Literacy with all Stakeholders

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Dakota Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Ashley Krinke - Elementary Counselor - Northern Cass
  • Jessie Smette - Library Media Specialist - Norther Cass
Strengthen your approach in infusing SEL and literacy into the classroom, school, and community. Learn how one district is making it a priority to creatively engage all stakeholders with a variety of opportunities to practice literacy skills and SEL strategies. Participants will… Identify potential SEL and literacy collaborative opportunities between specialists and content area educators Identify community engagement opportunities to enhance SEL and literacy skills Understand the role SEL and literacy play in a thriving school community

Tuesday 3b: SpringMath for Teachers

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Embassy A - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Amanda VanDerHeyden - SpringMath
  • Paul Muyskens - SpringMath
  • Lynn Lamers - SpringMath
This hands-on training will take you into your own dashboard and teach you each step of MTSS from screening to classwide intervention to diagnostic assessment to individual intervention to your own program evaluation. We will help you learn how to fully leverage classwide math intervention in your classroom. Finally, we will help you integrate resources (games, word problems, acquisition lessons, instructional calendars, assessments) into your daily core instruction once you have mastered the basics. 1. Understand the critical ingredients of math MTSS in SpringMath from screening to program evaluation. 2. Especially understand the benefits of classwide intervention and how it works in SpringMath. 3. Become oriented to the resources that are available in SpringMath.

Tuesday 3d: Evaluating Curricular Resources for ELA Adoption

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Conference - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Erica Carney - SEEC Instructional Literacy Coach
  • Kerri Whipple - SEEC Director of Literacy
  • Erica Kindem - SEEC ND Reading Corps Coaching Specialist
This event, formally known as the ELA Curriculum Fair, has been broken into three parts. 1.) Pre-Recorded Informational Video to be watched prior to attendance. Participants will access a pre-recorded informational video that introduces them to a number of resources to prepare for ELA resource adoption. During the recording, participants will understand the new SoR legislation and access the NDSoR Curriculum Evaluation Guide. 2.) In-Person Session During this in-person session, we will examine different examples of curricular resources that align to each strand of Scarborough's Reading Rope, including fluency and writing. 3.) Off Site Browsing Attendees will be invited to an off site browsing experience to review our curricular material resources. We encourage you to attend this session as a team of 3-5. Off Site Browsers must have attended the in-person session. -Participants will use a curriculum audit tool to determine their materials needs. -Participants will be able to define their curriculum adoption process. -Participants will be able to collaboratively review materials for further investigation.

Tuesday 3e: Breaking the Code to Implementation Success

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Cory Notestine - CharacterStrong
Implementation is a science that utilizes core elements to create desired and predictable outcomes. In this session, we will distill these practices into manageable principles and tangible actions educators can use to create sustainable change that is human-centered and driven by supportive structures. Establish a common language for the stages of Implementation Utilize the Formula for Success to drive implementation change efforts Develop the knowledge and skills necessary to produce clarity, competency, and consistency throughout an implementation effort

Tuesday 3f: Upstream Leadership in NDMTSS

Tuesday - Breakout 3 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

Executive & Board - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Erin Lacina - NESC Director of Professional Learning
  • Amanda Meier - Elementary Principal - Mandan
  • Andrew Jordan - Superintendent - Wilton
  • Russ Riehl - Middle School Principal - Bismarck
  • Dawn Miller - School Psychologist - Central Cass
  • Brandie Ulland - SEEC Professional Learning Specialist
Are you looking for a new way to solve old or recurring problems? Would you like to 'solve problems before they happen?' Dan Heath, author of Upstream (2020), proposes a mindset shift and seven questions for leaders, which bring attention to proactive vs. reactive efforts, more effective and efficient use of resources, and in a school - the opportunity for greater clarity and focus in action planning for student success. Join some of our NDMTSS State Advisory Team Members to learn a practical application of this approach that can benefit multiple aspects of your system! * Participants will examine how an Upstream mindset can break through barriers of problem blindness, lack of ownership, and tunneling. * Participants will collaboratively tackle a common NDMTSS problem of practice through application of Upstream thinking and the Questions for Upstream Leaders. *Participants will explore Upstream resources for application within their local systems.

Wednesday: School Culture Training with CharacterStrong

Wednesday - Full-Day Culture Training (8:00-4:00)

Great Hall - Holiday Inn Fargo
  • Lindy Kaemming - CharacterStrong
  • Jeff Gerber - CharacterStrong
The CharacterStrong School Culture training is foundational to building an intentional culture and helping all staff build up their Beliefs, Structures, & Skills that ultimately lead to predictable and consistent behaviors. After the training participants will receive downloadable resources including the SERVE guide, PROMPT card, modified slide deck, Danielson Teaching Framework alignment, and community agreement templates. 8:00am - Opening 9:30am - Start: A warm welcome followed by a routine start 11:00am - Engage: Consistent practices to engage relationally 11:45am - Break for lunch 12:45pm - Respond: Empathetic tools to respond to people’s needs 1:30pm - Value: Connecting content to a purpose for learning 2:15pm - Exit: Gathering feedback and promoting reflection 3:00pm - Apply, strategize, and close
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